For the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail (MAHSR), also known as the bullet train project, the National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) has built three river bridges in a month, making substantial progress.
The NHSRCL stated in a statement released on Sunday that all of these bridges are in Gujarat and are situated between the Bilimora and Surat stations of the proposed bullet train.
On the Purna River in the Navsari area, the first river bridge was finished. A total of nine full-span girders make up the 360 m-long bridge. During construction, the Arabian Sea tides were continuously monitored for high and low tides. It was further said that the foundation work was difficult because of the river’s tendency to surge 5–6 m during high tides.
Additionally in the Navsari district, the construction of the second river bridge over the Mindhola River was completed. It features six full-span girders and is 240 metres long.
On the Ambika River, again in the Navsari district, the third river bridge was completed. Five full-span girders make up this 200 m-long bridge. According to NHSRCL, building the third bridge was difficult due to subterranean rocky strata during piling and the steep bank of the river.