Indian Railways has revealed plans to manufacture a non-AC Vande Sadharan train with sleeping accommodations and other general amenities for long-distance travel in an effort to meet the needs of the average person. This project attempts to give passengers undertaking lengthy trips affordable yet comfortable options.
At an anticipated cost of Rs 65 crore, ICF Chennai will manufacture the non-AC Vande Sadharan train. The first rake is expected to be rolled out by the end of this year. In contrast, ICF is producing the fully air-conditioned Vande Bharat train with seating configurations for about Rs 100 crore.
To ensure effective acceleration, the Vande Sadharan train would have 24 LHB coaches and two locomotives at the front and back of the train. The train’s acceleration rate will be increased by using the push-pull approach with two engines, enabling faster movement.
Modern conveniences including bio-vacuum restrooms, passenger information systems, and charging stations are available to Vande Sadharan train passengers. Every coach will have CCTV cameras installed to improve passenger security. The train will also have automated doors, similar to those on the Vande Bharat Express.