According to the chief minister of the state of Mizoram, Zoramthanga, the incident took place on Wednesday in the town of Sairang in that region’s northeastern region.
Police confirmed there were 28 workers there, despite media reports claiming there were up to 40 there when the bridge collapsed. A state police official who declined to be identified said: “Rescue workers have been able to recover 13 bodies so far. Efforts are on to recover the remaining bodies.”
The tragedy happened as construction was underway on the Bhairbi-Sairang line railway project, the Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) stated in a statement on X.
According to the NRF, the project would link Mizoram to the rest of India and promote “tourism and socioeconomic development.” A high-level inquiry committee had been formed to look into the matter.
The prime minister, Narendra Modi, said “all possible assistance” was being given to those affected.