As of the latest update provided by Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw in Rajya Sabha, the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail (MAHSR) Corridor project, commonly known as the Bullet Train project, has encountered delays primarily due to challenges in land acquisition. Despite progress in various aspects, land acquisition remains a critical bottleneck for the project’s advancement.
The initial estimate for the project’s cost was Rs 1,08,000 crore, with an expected completion period of 8 years, as per the Joint Feasibility Study report of 2015. However, the timeline for completion has been significantly affected by the availability of land, resulting in considerable delays.
Minister Vaishnaw emphasised that the final timeline and project cost can only be determined once the land acquisition process is completed and all contracts are finalised. Addressing the challenges in land acquisition is a top priority for the authorities involved in the project.
The Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail Corridor holds great promise for revolutionising rail travel in India by significantly reducing travel time between the two major cities. However, to realise this vision, resolving land acquisition issues is imperative.