According to the officials of Delhi Metro, waterlogging on a stretch of the rails between Dabri Mor and the Janakpuri West segment of the corridor caused the Magenta Line’s services to be suspended for many hours on Tuesday. The Magenta Line connects Janakpuri West in Delhi to Botanical Garden in Noida.
According to a statement from the DMRC, the Magenta Line (Line-8 from Janakpuri West to Botanical Garden) train services were restricted today due to waterlogging on the upline track (trains heading towards Janakpuri West) between Dabri Mor and Janakpuri West.
From 10 am to 3:35 pm, trains ran on a single line via the downline track between Janakpuri West and Terminal 1 IGI Airport stations. As a result, during this time, trains in the segment were available less frequently.
During this time, both the upline and downline tracks on the remaining portion of the Magenta Line, which runs from Terminal 1 IGI Airport to the Botanical Garden, were operating normally.