Indian Railways is all set to launch a third line between Haridaspur and Byree railway stations in Odisha. According to an official, the third line between Haridaspur and Byree railway stations in Odisha on the Howrah-Chennai main line was commissioned on Tuesday (September 5).
The 16.80 km Haridaspur-Byree railway line constitutes an integral segment of the ongoing crucial Bhadrak-Nergundi third-line initiative.
Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) for the South Eastern Circle, Kolkata, conducted an extensive inspection of this section. During the inspection, a meticulous assessment of all safety aspects took place, and a speed trial was also executed to assess the feasibility of train traffic.
General manager Manoj Sharma advised officials to expedite the completion of various ongoing projects within the East Coast Railway’s jurisdiction. Furthermore, he has encouraged officials to collaborate with stakeholders, including state government officials, to facilitate the timely execution of these projects.