On July 7 (Friday), Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone for the renovation of Gorakhpur Railway Station. At an estimated cost of Rs. 498 crores, the station will undergo redevelopment and get top-notch passenger amenities.
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will accompany the Prime Minister during his visit to Gorakhpur. On Tuesday, CM Yogi visited the venues in advance of PM Modi’s visit and gave the go-ahead for all of the necessary preparations to be finished on schedule.
On Friday, Prime Minister Modi is also expected to lay the cornerstone for the reconstruction of Gorakhpur station and flag off a new Vande Bharat Express train. This would result in the second Vande Bharat Express — the train’s first miniature form — operating in Uttar Pradesh, from Lucknow to Gorakhpur through Ayodhya.