According to officials on Monday, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) would rename the HUDA City Centre metro station on the Yellow Line as “Millennium City Centre Gurugram,” adding that it is located in Gurugram, Haryana.
According to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), the HUDA City Centre Metro station on the Yellow Line will now be known as Gurugram City Centre. As a result, a procedure has been started to gradually alter the name on all official papers, signage, announcements, etc.
The DMRC later tweeted that the HUDA City Centre Metro station would now be known as “Millennium City Centre” rather than “Gurugram City Centre,” as was originally intended.
The second tweet from DMRC stated that “competent authorities have now decided to rename the station as Millennium City Centre,” which was a partial adjustment of the original announcement regarding the renaming of the HUDA City Centre Metro station on the Yellow Line.
The DMRC made a third, and ‘hopefully’ last, attempt to rename the HUDA City Centre Metro station. This time, they gave it the name Millennium City Centre Gurugram.
The DMRC tweeted once more to say, “In reference to our earlier tweet regarding the renaming of the HUDA City Centre Metro station, this is to inform that the station’s full name will read as Millennium City Centre Gurugram.”