According to sources, the Delhi Metro is preparing for 5G connectivity across its network, with 29 of its 69 underground stations renovated with the necessary technology.
A senior official from Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) stated that 29 stations have a 5G-compatible in-building solution installed.
“The tunnel sections require an addition of 3,300-3,600 MHz cards in repeaters for 5G coverage, which are progressively under installation and commissioning,” he added.
According to the senior official, once this work is completed in all of the underground stations, no additional upgrades will be required to make 5G internet accessible to commuters.
The DMRC hasn’t, however, decided on a schedule for when the entire project will be finished.
The official added that numerous subterranean stations have been instructed to offer 5G connectivity by telecom companies including Bharti Airtel, Jio, and Vi.
“While 29 stations have the infrastructure to support 5G, the rest are being upgraded by our infrastructure providers and should be ready in the next four months,” he added.