According to an official announcement made by Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation (BMRCL) chief engineer DC Nataraj, the Bettabalasur Metro station on the KR Puram-Kempegowda International Airport (KIA) line, which is situated one kilometre from the IAF campus, will be built as initially anticipated under the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. The Embassy Group will pay for the station’s construction, and BMRCL will handle the financing.
The station, which is anticipated to cost roughly Rs 140 crore, will be situated between Bagalur Cross and Doddajala stations following the imminent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between BMRCL and the Embassy Group. The Embassy Group has already made a symbolic donation of Rs 1 crore to the project.
The 36.44-km Airport Line is divided into three packages: KR Puram to Hebbal (Package 1), Hebbal to the IAF Campus (Package 2), and IAF to KIA (Package 3). The overall completion date for the entire line remains June 2026.